

I first visited Lake Tahoe back in 1997, and that brief visit stuck with me. In July 2018, I returned for a week-long visit of hiking, boating, dining, and enjoying the 4th of July fireworks.

While Tahoe is a great vacation destination, the area also offers much for those who have an interest in best practices of land use, education, park management, transportation alternatives, sustainability, hospitality, and community governance.

As I searched the web to learn more about the Tahoe area, I felt it might be helpful to have a simple non-commercial website with some basic resources for others visiting the area. So, I setup this site for friends and family, as well as a guide for myself to refer back to on future visits.

This site is unique because there is no advertising or paid content. The lack of advertising reduces clutter and pop-ups on the site. Reviews and articles are impartial and based on personal experience.

This site doesn’t intent to reproduce what already exists online, such as current events  and news. Instead, the goal is to fill-in some gaps of what might be missing on other sites.

You might also like my other Tahoe website, TahoeSupport.com where I offer support services for Lake Tahoe residents and visitors.

Feel free to contact me if you have any additions, corrections, or suggestions for improvement.



Greg Johnson
Email: tahoe@resourcesforlife.com
Web: AboutGregJohnson.com
Tel: 319.621.4911